Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dané du Toit


Patterns are used for organic buildings which are made from panels.  Hatch patterns are created by using PAT files, which is a pattern image file.  These files contain text that tells Revit how to draw patterns.

You can also create your own pattern in Revit.  This is done by using families and importing one into the other.

Pattern-based curtain system families are applied to a divided surface within the massing environment. 

Here are the steps to follow to make your own pattern:

§  Choose new, family, conceptual mass, metric mass.

§  Choose the plane you want to work on. 

§  Create a circle.

§  Click create form, solid form and choose the sphere. 

§  Select the entire object so that it turns blue. 

§  Now click on the modify/form tab and select the divide form icon. 

§  It should look something like this:

§  Select the object.

§  On the left window – properties – choose Rhomboid as a pattern. 

§  You can set the divided surface number up – to 50, this is done on the tab at the top.


Next create the family pattern:

§  New, family, select curtain panel pattern based and click open.

§  A template opens up that you can modify.

§  Now I am going to make a basic frame panel.

§  Click set icon to set the reference plane.

§  Click on one of the stars on the corners of the rectangle so that the 90 degree plane is selected.

§  Create a rectangle on one of the lines, it has to be at a 90 degree angle, which will automatically happen if the right plane is selected.

§  Hold in control key while selecting the circle and the path/line.

§  Click on create form, solid form. 

§  I now have a frame.

§  Select each line of the inside of the frame while holding down control key.

§  Click create form, solid form, and choose the flat surface.

§  Select the form

§  Click on the … next to material on the properties window to the left.

§  Choose glass and click ok.


§  Click on the load into project icon.

§  Make sure that family 2 is selected – the conceptual mass one.

§  Select the entire sphere again.

§  Go to the left side panel properties.

§  Click on the drop down list at patterns.

§  Scroll down and select family 1.

§  The pattern created in the family will now be applied to the conceptual mass family.

You now have an object with glass panel pattern.


Tutorial available at:



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